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I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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Sunday, February 17, 2008
Unhappy with W149 @ 2/17/2008 07:23:00 PM

Hmm.... Wonder how to vent out all my unhappiness to my Cellgroup, W149

Lately i been so disappointed with them again and again.... Reason being the following:

1) Starting from last year BBQ, it was not reali fun compare to be my blogger frenz... Maybe they are too religious that they forget that we r all human that we all make mistakes and it time to show supported to one another instead of crtising one another.

2) When i m busy or dun come for Cellgroup meeting, how many of them reali call me and asked y i din make it for Cg instead they will always call and ask u gt come for cg or Svc anot? It that the way to trat yr members in a cg ma?

3) My birthday this year, onli 2 of them sms me to wish me Happy Birthday. How difficult is it to jus to sms one person happy birthday? I m utterly disappointed cos my own blogger family which i know onli like 2 yrs plus treat me more warmth den my own church members which i known for 4yrs plus. Isn''t that funny? Jus like the recently Cg meeting we had.... i expected them to sing Bday Song to me and pray for me... well.... they jus asked one person to pass the present to me and say: "Elaine Ar, this present from our cg to you. hope u like it. " I was disappointed cos isn't it supposed to be the whole cg saying to to me.... How hurtful it will be when they din even mention any ting but jus say get rdy to celebrate Andy B'day. I jus feel like dumping the Office Bag to Dustbin on the spot...

i dunoe... what the true meaning of Christinity to them anymore? Cos they didn't show the way how Jesus will do for people and walk the walk like Jesus.... All i can see is the Ugly face of my Cg Members.

The more i write the more i feel so disappointing.... How can i resolve thjis feeling any anyone tell me?

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever