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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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New Look For Dear Nth to do Bro Bought another Massage Device Ling Horng and Devan Wedding Dinner Too Pain To Learn You Are Gone New Pet at Home Surprise Surprise Nothing to do A Trusted Net Frenz Lying to Us

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Friendly Stella

Adorable 老查某

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Love Count

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
New Year EVE @ 1/01/2008 09:41:00 PM

i spend a eventful day on my last day of the year 2007.Spend my morning in a busy mood as i have thing to meet dateline given by my vice chairman.

In the afternoon, my boss took us all out for Lunch at the Arnold Chicken Fastfood outlet at Lion City at katong.

This is my lunch... nice rite? We eat until abt 2 plus den went back office to work at ard 3 plus...

Time passed veri fast and i Work until abt 6pm den off work to go find my frenz....

Went to some game cafe to join in the fun of sabotaging my frenz....

Fun nite as i managed to get Ter sabotage.... After that.... we make our way to cityhall MRT Station to esplanade to watch fireworks.... While on the way, sumting funny happen. It the best memories that can happen on the last day of the year. Should be keep a secret ba.... On Ter and me and my frenz noe... I laughed until i gt tear flowing out of my eyes.... And i almost roll on the floor and laughed....

So surprised to see Stella at there too.. so we decided to ask her to join in us to watch firworks too.... So fun loh... It was so so so so crowded... ppl are everywhere.

so before the firworks started.... we started to play wiz camera.... we stared wiz Hubbby Ter...

Den Me and Stella...

Finally 3...2...1.... Boommmm..... Fiorworks started.... It super nice..... So great that Hubby n Me are there to view the fireworks.... it lasted for 10 mins

Den after that, we make our way back to Cityhall to catch a train back home... Guess wat? We left at ard 12.30pm and we reached MRT ard 1.15am.... Took me ard 2 plus reach home...

Tiring nite but yet enjoyable...

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever