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Location: Singapore

I am a simple gal wiz a simple dream. :p Ppl Who know me say i m cute and joyous always. I Love to look after ppl who i love. I also like to make small gifts for ppl i love. Attached to my Handsome Hubby Terence Lai now.


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After my church service last week, Hubby Terence c... Company 75th Anniversary Dinner Restaurant at Ang Mio Kio Hub Dinner at Bugis V8 Restaurant Fun at Business School Hearing the Radio Drama Stella For Lunch Wisdom Tooth Infection Stella Birthday Thursday Outing

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Love Count

Monday, November 05, 2007
Y.E.S.93.3FM CAN THEATRE @ 11/05/2007 12:22:00 AM

Hmm.... it now 12.24am and i m not slping..... Lol... cos i m listening to Y.E.S.93.3FM CAN THEATRE.

Yes.... i mentioned to u b4 in my blog that bcos of the Dark Alley 1 & 2, i was deeply in loved with this radio drama.... Hmmm.... it so touching that i almost wan to tear out liao.

I jus finished listening to '谁能与天使相恋'. It was so touching.... Feel so sad that the angel jus disappeared after helping his 1st love to get her happiness. I was like questioning myself that would someone be like that to me?

Listen to it if u have free time and it wun take u long and i tell u it will hook u to it.. :P

Lol.... Jus wanna say to Hubby Ter, Thanks for everyting u given to me. Especially these few weeks, i make u worri for me cos my body was not exactly in good shape. Not eating well or regularly... Having headache and feeling head veri light. Dun reali noe what happen to me. But Hubby Ter didn't make any noise and take care of me willingly. Jus wanna say to Ter, Thanks for the concern and care that u had given to me. Thanks! I LOVE YOU!

©Loving Hubby Terence Forever