Dunoe y today seemed like a day where i gt no mood to do my work.... Maybe bcos too many news le ba..... Reason could be BOSS NOT IN OFFICE SO RELAX. Cos they went to pay respect to my colleauge's mum funeral. So everyone left expect me and one designer left in office.
So u noe wat i do.... i walked from my desk to another colleauge desk to see and chat chat.... Kekeke..... my morning passed like that... But i m shiok..... Cos maybe too tired.... afternoon during lunch.... i went to my IT Technical Room to catch a wink from 1.20pm to 1.55pm. Thus after that woke up damned blurred.
After lunch, again, boss went out to look for Van.... Left me and some colleauges in office. Had a simle meeting for 12 mins den back to office. Lol... So damned no mood to do anyting so laze ard see see do do and act act. :P

So now what i m tinking of now is actually.... FFFFFFFFFFFoooooooooodddddddddddddd!
Yup, my stomach rumbling non stop..... Cos lunch eat abit onli.... :P Wish i can eat sushi sia.... My faourite.... Drooling liao....
Ok, gt to stop liao. Wan off comp to go out to hunt for work and continue my coaching in studies for my coursemate....
So how do u spend yr day in office today other den working?